Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brunei and the River Trip


I'm Still not well !!!!!!!!!!!!  Spent sunday afternoon feeling like death warmed up my nose like a tap being switched on and off ... Still spent 3 hours at the PC trying to build some power point slides - McD helping - for a presentation I was supposed to do this morning .... AND we lost the first attempt !!!!! Networked computing sucks big time.... McD ignored my onsetting nervous breakdown on losing version 1 and recreated Version 2 with great success I might add....AND THEN this morning I'm still like death and throats like someones been ramming a rasp down it all night and there was no way I was going in to do anything ...................................... 

McD reckons I have manflu .... The worst of all Flus in the world ...


Actually I'm much worse than that ... AND McD went off to work and left me to suffer All alone .... :O\


OK - Brunei -


After the stop off at the villiage on stilts we were taken up the river and into the outskirts of the jungle there ... I loved it ...Could have spent a full day just watching the wildlife - the Birds and the reptiles in the mangroves ...



And of course the proboscus monkeys ... They call them "Dutchmen" locally because of their big noses .... Unfortunately the low light plus the high vibration of the boat engine meant most of my pictures were no good .... The big Male had perched himself at the top of a tree and promptly turned his back to us ...He didn't want to know ..but at one point turned his head to see what the noise was as the guide and boatman goaded him with 'monkey calls' ...


Obviously not too good at the monkey calls as he didn't turn around ....I did wonder what might happen if they had produced in monkey language something like "come on bignose, I'll take you on " ... .. He looked big enough to take us all on one handed ...




The big Monitor type lizard were rather plentiful along the muddy bank .... And very active ..always on the move as we neared them ... And not always to move away from us ...






As you can see we were never too far from civilisation ... Houses were dotted along the river





And then on the return journey we were able to see some of the mosques and villiage from a different perspective .









Anyway - it was a few houre of absolute pleasure and next time we go to brunei I'm going further into the jungle ... it was awesome ... 


Next entry - why the "we are so going to Die" phrase just kept comeing up ..... And the Night Market.. 


McDinzie said...

it certainly was a beautiful place and somewhere where we could have ventured further up river into.

Brunei was an interesting place indeed :)

Kay Cooke said...

This is interesting indeed.
great chronicle and I am looking forward to hearing more - including Mcd's account.