Wednesday, January 09, 2013

And its Back to Work We Go Yo Ho

 It be cruel and unusual punishment returning to work....But there you go......

We took a couple of trips while off..Nothing major the first was to see the pohutukawa trees in flower ...Our NZ Xmas trees..

The second was to visit the Waikanae estuary and See what birds we could see there....This year we are bird spotting ...doing a count of how many species we can see in NZ in a year....We are in our 30s so far...A surprising number are English immigrants brought over..... We are not following the accepted approach where if you can identify the bird song but not see them then it still counts.....We are counting any bird free and un-owned.  so the domestic pigeons and ducks that are now wild over here will count ... As will the wild turkeys that we now have..if we can spot one.....

The aim as well is to photograph as many as we can.....

Caspian Terns

 Chicks are doing well...The two mums in a single run fell out with each other so we now have 3 runs populated......We've started looking at building the big run where eventually the can all live ...Will take some time though.....

Some we will have to give away..especially the cockerals.....the rest will be McDs pets and producers of the countries most expensive eggs :O)

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